
v1.1.6 - Minor Fix Update

v1.1.51 - Grammar Fix Update

v1.1.5 - Data Cache Update

v1.1.4 - Bugfix Update

v1.1.3 - Socials Update

v1.1.22 - v1.1.23 - Metadata & Log Update

v1.1.21 - Patch Update

v1.1.2 - Detail Update

v1.1.0 - v1.1.1 - Performance Update

v1.0.0 - Initial Launch

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nighthawk logo
orion/ryan o'hara

About Me

How I Started

I started making music when I was 15, a year after I started teaching myself development at 14.

I knew I would need soundtracks in my games, so to save costs and legal, I decided to challenge myself and learn about Electronic Music production.

Teaching myself music wasn't just to cut complexity and costs down. I also wanted to do it because it was a fun way to express myself, and also gave me another degree of creative freedom.
Not only would I have the ability to be creative on the visual and programming end, but also in the audio world!

Now, at age 22 (as of when I'm writing this), I'm still learning, making music, and pushing forward in production and development!

Where I'm Trying To Go

Although I make music, it's not a career choice for me. I prefer to pursue being a multi-skilled game developer.

However, I still want to share more of the other styles and types of music I make outside of video game. So, I decided to make an alias for myself, "Nighthawk", and share my music on as many platforms as possible!

Other than sharing being a chance for good publicity, it's also the chance to learn more about another industry and share more of what I can do with the world.

Orion / Ryan O'Hara Background by: BmanTV

nighthawk logo



What DAW do you use?

I use FL Studio for Windows. I have the All Plug-ins Edition, but only because it was during a sale and it actually came in handy.

Before that, I used Signature.

What Plug-ins do you use?

I use a lot of FL Studio stock plug-ins for mixing, along with OTT and Valhalla Supermassive. For Synths, I use Serum. For Orchestral or organic sounds, I use Nexus 4.

What genres do you do?

Manily Progressive House, but it depends on what I'm feeling and what I think a song could sound like. Other times it's EDM, Complextro, Electro House, Video Game, Uplifting Trance, and so on.


Who is the guy with blue hair?

He's my mascot and personal representation from my main development account. His name is Orion, but in his story in the human world, he goes under the alias "Ryan O'Hara".
More on his story is to be revealed in due time. Here's a little teaser: He wasn't always a human.

What is your logo supposed to be?

It's from one of my projects. The insignia of the Nighthawk, a group of superhero ninjas.

The symbol shape is a butterfly with a hawk looking at you, in the top center of the diamond body.

business inquiries icon


Before Reaching Out

If you want to get into contact with me in a more direct manner, I have an email address you can reach out to. However I do have some rules to go over.

You can reach out if...

  • You have a question that's not in the FAQ.
  • You have any feedback on the site or a project.
  • You have something nice to say.
At the moment, I am not accepting...
  • Emails containing any memes or humor. Only contact my emaile for IMPORTANT matters!
  • Emails about any possible collaboration. I work at my own pace and only with a handful of people.
  • Emails about sharing with "private networks", I know these are a scam and if you send one, I will block and report you.


When writing an email, please be sure to title your email with the reason why you're reaching out.

Also, do your best to write PRECISE and CLEAR ENGLISH. You can also write your email in Spanish, but I prefer it in English.
I understand that langauge barriers can make things difficult. Just try your best and use a tool if you have to to proof what you write.

Click for Email Address Link
